Our new project was very fun, it was a new experience for me. Me and my team had to create a movie trailer, which was a huge part of my and my teams grade. We also made a movie poster to go along with our movie trailer, which was a big part of our grade as well. My team consisted of myself, Maya Clark, Seth Kostelecky and Kaylynn Drake. Both me and Maya were actors in our trailer. Seth and Kaylynn did a lot of camera work and helped with the posters. We had a Trailer Plan where we organized all five scenes and wrote the voiceovers and dialogue, and the movie trailer synopsis.
The project requirements that we needed to include were voiceovers, voice acting scripts, dialogue, and text layovers. It needed to be between one minute and thirty seconds and two minutes. Also it needed foley, special effects, and our completed movie poster. I think that we got all of the requirements. The foley that we created was the sound of a backpack dropping on the ground, and the sound of footsteps going up stairs.
I put our team evaluation picture by the bottom. We got the most points in satisfactory and an average amount in room for improvement. We got the least points for above & beyond. Yes I agree with the statistics that my classmates gave my team. I think that we could have added a little more detail to the overall story. This project was extremely fun and educational, I learned a bunch more techniques using the camera, and how to do certain things in Final Cut.